First aid for hemorrhoid problems

The basics of home remedies that help with hemorrhoids

Everyone has hemorrhoids. They are part of our rectum and support, among other things, our sphincter muscle in closing the anus. However, if they swell, burning, bleeding, weeping and excruciating itching can result. Unfortunately, false shame discourages many from seeking medical attention for such ailments.

From first aid to long-term good hygiene, there are a number of things you can do yourself if haemorrhoids are tormenting you. Here's what helps.

Important note:
This article cannot and should not replace the opinion of a specialist - if in doubt, always speak to a doctor to avoid the risks of self-diagnosis and treatment. Your family doctor is a good first point of contact for this. The corresponding specialist for butt problems is a proctologist - who is particularly familiar with diseases of the rectum. Surgeons and gastroenterologists can also help.

1. Alleviate acute symptoms

Keep cool

If you are suffering from the effects of severely swollen hemorrhoids, cool pads will relieve your symptoms. Wet a clean washcloth or handkerchief (preferably made of boil-proof cotton) with water and place it on the anus. You can also wrap ice cubes in a cloth and gently press on the anal region.

Wear absorbent panties

If your hemorrhoidal disease is already advanced, you may also suffer from a sore bottom. The cause is the discharge of anal secretion, which permanently wets the sensitive skin on the anus. Specialists recommend wearing cotton panties so that the region does not remain constantly damp. They're not quite as sexy, but they're breathable and absorbent.

(Short) sitz baths only in moderation

Sitting baths are a popular home remedy for itching and inflammation associated with hemorrhoids. You can get an extract from oak bark in the pharmacy as a bath additive. This plant has an anti-inflammatory effect on the one hand and an analgesic effect on the other. Soaking your butt in it once or twice a day can relieve discomfort. However, the water should not be too warm, but at most body temperature. However, sitz baths for hemorrhoids are controversial among experts. It is best not to bathe for more than a minute in order not to damage the skin.

Avoid unnecessary stimuli

If your bottom could talk to you, you'd know: it doesn't like hard or wet toilet paper. Paper that is too hard acts like sandpaper on the sensitive skin around the anus. Therefore, you should generally dab this skin area carefully and not rub it dry. Moist cleaning cloths usually contain fragrances and preservatives, which can also irritate and, in the worst case, trigger allergies. So hands off hard toilet paper and damp towels.

2. Always clean your bottom hygienically

Best cleaning agent: clear water

Whether in healthy times or when you have symptoms: your anus always wants to be nice and clean and should therefore be cleaned regularly. Soaps or shower gels are not necessary at all. On the contrary. Your butt prefers pure warm water. In the shower, of course, no problem at all. But after going to the toilet?

Thorough cleaning of the anal region with bidets

Even after a bowel movement, rinsing off with lukewarm water is the gentlest way to clean your bottom. The soft jet of water washes away all dirt. You can then gently pat the skin dry.Specialists like the proctologist Bernhard Lenhard consider a bidet to be the best “service you can give your anus”

Small luxury without bathroom conversion

Sounds good. But you might be wondering what that costs. Or how to do that in your small bathroom. Here's the answer: HappyPo's butt shower is the perfect alternative to a bathroom remodel and is affordable for everyone. Small, handy and inexpensive. Simply fill with water, press on it ... and a soft jet of water thoroughly cleanses your buttocks. Just pat dry and enjoy the feeling of freshness. You can find detailed information at

3. Prevent instead of cure

Eat plenty of fiber

When you're constipated, you have to push hard on the toilet. You automatically clench your hemorrhoids too. They swell and evade the pressure in the direction of the anus.
Your body excretes roughage undigested. If your food is high in fiber, the stool volume increases; your digestion becomes more regular. This will prevent constipation and hemorrhoid swelling. Vegetables, fruit and whole grain products in particular contain a lot of dietary fiber.

Drink enough

Make sure you drink enough. Liquid allows the roughage in the intestine to swell up properly and keeps the digestate evenly moist. This way everything is easily expelled without you having to push hard. Forty milliliters of fluid per kilogram of body weight (mainly water or unsweetened tea) is the minimum.

Footstool in front of the toilet

Other countries, other customs. In some cultures, people squat down when they defecate. Scientists found that in regions where this posture is typical when having a bowel movement, haemorrhoids are much less likely to occur. Simply place a small stool or footstool in front of the toilet during your "sessions". If you put your feet on it and bend your upper body slightly forward, your body will come into a position similar to squatting. This will make bowel movements easier.


As soon as you move your body, your blood vessels are better supplied with blood - including those in the intestinal mucosa. Vessels with a good blood supply expand, but at the same time they are elastic, so that they decongest just as quickly. With regular exercise you train your hemorrhoids. In this way you ensure that they quickly recede after they have swelled.

Clean gently

Of course, like most of your fellow human beings, you can do without painful hemorrhoids. That's why you shouldn't neglect proper hygiene, even in healthy times. Cleanliness is important. But your butt doesn't like harsh detergents or too much friction. He enjoys it when you wash him with running water from the bidet.

Our name HappyPo says it all. We want you and your buttocks to feel good and feel completely at ease. Test the HappyPo butt shower and see for yourself.

Sources Recommendation.pdf

Enders, G.(2014): Gut mit Charme, Berlin, Ullstein-Verlag


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